Resiliency Practicum #1 - Be inspired and see possibilities.

“….we shrink our destiny by stripping away countless possibilities.” Joze Piranian

I was listening to CBC Debaters and was introduced to Canadian comedian and keynote speaker Joze Piranian. Not only did I laugh at the “debate” about whether or not patience is a virtue, I was inspired to learn more about Joze. Joze overcame 25 years of silence and people’s misunderstanding of stuttering. His perspective is that regardless if a person speaks with a stutter, we all have an inner stutter. It is something that stops us - it can  be fear of judgement, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of failure. (The latter was a fear I faced in moving from employee to entrepreneur.)

Joze reminds us that, “With every fear defying action we take, we grow stronger and transform our lives in ways that far exceeds what we would have achieved if all our personal fears, obstacles, and insecurities disappeared.” Fear can be paralyzing, or it can be a catalyst for change and growth.

When we feel fearful, we can reach into our “resiliency tool kit,” and use fear as a compass to guide our next steps. #resilience #success #growth #building

Watch Joze’s TEDxQueensU.


Resilience Practicum #2 - Help Others